Autonomy institute

Economic Development


A Sematech for Autonomy and AI at the edge. Autonomy Institute(501c3) is accelerating the “Path to Commerce” for intelligent and autonomous systems. This includes Digital Infrastructure, Autonomy, and AI at the edge. It is a government, industry, academia and public alliance to create the policies, markets, jobs, and community benefits of autonomy, starting with the Intelligent and Autonomous Infrastructure that is the equivalent of the Eisenhower Interstate Highways.

Though Sematech didn’t’ need infrastructure, the Autonomy Institute does. There is a tsunami of technology coming to cities and it needs leadership to assure it meets community needs. That’s where the Public-Private Partnership (P3) comes in to deploy Public Infrastructure Network Nodes (PINN). The PINN will be as critical to a city as roads, power, telecommunications, and water infrastructure.

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